So I did it! I brought coffee from home- and it's goooooood! Deelish! Morning was going well! Past 100th page of Dragon Tat- I'm in.... I'm obsessed.... I... can't ...stop. I'm still sneaking pages at my desk! Get it, read it, come to Wino Gab to talk about it with us on the 25th of May.
Other than the book this day has been MRAHHHH inducing. We had a meeting with most of the staff in a Lecture Hall. Now I am not a HUGE fan of lectures, but I know that when someone has gone through the trouble to take time out of their day to plan and deliver a presentation, you listen. Unfortunately, many people at my place of employment have not yet learned this lesson. Snoring, talking to their neighbours AND on their CELL PHONES- total disregard. I can't believe it.... I'm so mrrrrrrrah. 2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days!
Anyhoo, it's lunch time, I have a deeeeeeeeeeelish salad and a need for a break HAHA- yea right. Lots of stuff to blog about today! Check back! Thoughts on the new layout? Fish, title, 1st page only today- I liiiiike. I'm so bloggy.
One Love,