Started off today with SC again... I'm so bad but it's sooo good! It's almost like days with coffee go by 3 times as fast. Usually I get to work around 8:30 and stare at my clock till 11:59 when I can legitimately take a break (never mind the fact my job is a break). Coffee days are like WOAH it's already 3?!
Posse dinner last night was GREAT! I've missed the posse and our crazy antics. You know when you have friends that you already feel drunk around and then you throw 3 liters of wine into the mix and it's just great fun? Well think of that on a Mexican themed night with a side of gLee (more on gLee later)! The result is barrel of monkeys! Which until right now I thought was spelled "monkies"... man that is crazy. My mind is blown. Monkeys will never be the same for me.
This morning I thought about cancelling this blog and not doing it, now I realize that my full blogging potential isn't present until after lunch on a full bellayyyy. So blog will be updated after the hour of noon every day (hopefully).
Gossip is flying wild today and I'm thriving, Happy Hump Day!
Boooo to Exams

How annoyingly wonderful is this picture HAHA! This is one of the only times of the year I am soooo happy I am not in school. Exams are life ruiners. How can your professors expect you to study when it is GORGEOUS outside. It really doesn't help when 93% of your friends are plunked down on a couch (which may or may not be on a front lawn), and doing literally nothing. Exams should happen in February when there is nothing better to do. February is the WORST month 100%, so when I am a professor, if I MUST test my students it will be in February, because I know they have nothing better to do and nowhere better to be. Here's a shout out to all my lovelies who are close to death and have current statuses such as "FOL".
How is it POSSIBLE Kate is STILL ON!
I do not understand how this is even possible. Does no one in America see how she gallops around? Even gallop is a bit more elegant than Kate's "dancing". Word on the street is that J. Gosselin is responsible for half of the votes because he wants to keep K. Gosselin away from their children. This of course will give him custody of the kids. In his genius plan he has all of his friends voting the 9 times allowed per single household. Way to go J- now we get to have painfully sit through yet another week of DWTS. DISCLAIMER I don't really watch this garbage, just tune in to see her dance then shut it off. Did you guys see the Jimmy Fallon parody?
A Mild Obsession

OPI nail polish is da shit! I love it so much!This post is mainly for Kris and all you other homepeople out there who have no idea about the geniousness of the OPI enterprise. They name all of their colours amazing things- red is never red... it's "An Affair in Red Square" or "A Oui Bit of Red"(fyi the one I was wearing last night Kathryn). I love love love them. If I had my way I would have all of them... or at least like 100. The new Hong Kong collection is SO NICE! I had "Panda Monium Pink" on my nails and "Suzi Says Feng Shui" on my toesies. Check out their website if you never have because it is so fun! You can "try on" all the colours!!!
I love getting my nails done. The nail place in our building does a great manipedi for $38! Love them! Do you guys care if your nails and toenails aren't the same colour? Some people hate it- me on the other hand- the more colours the merrier. Ooooh remember when it was cool to have "smartie nails" where you would paint each one a different colour? I'm doing it to my toes ASAP.
"Our Little Pumpkin"

Hilarious Video of the Day

No this picture isn't of the video- but it's maybe what she's thinking about. This video is SO FUNNY. At first you think she is just trying to recreate "David After the Dentist" but then you realize that is not what is going on AT ALL! My personal favorite parts are right at the start when she stares at the cam and then when she is doing the hand motions to the JC song! HAHAHA I'm dying just thinking about it!
The "L" in gLee today is for LOVE! I effing love that show so much! It was so so so GREAT last night! Puck is hotness and Finn, my god the dark hair looks so good! Loved every single song- Beatles, the Doors, Liooonellllll (they are after Charlie's heart), oh oh oh gotta love this show- it's FAB and that's the bottom line! However... Kathryn and I were discussing how HORRID it would be to have to wear Rachel's wardrobe. The girl can sing, I'll give her that (and I loved her singing Give you Hell) , but my god put away the awful white stockings and hideous shoes! Sorry for the poor picture quality, had to do a screen shot! And I made it small so you don't have to burn your retinas.

Can You Tell What This Is?

I LOVE this site- A Daily Dose of Imagery. It is a guy from Toronto who is a fab photographer and posts a pic each day. They are usually sights from around this amazing city so it makes me love him even more. Some of my faves are his streetcar shots- so great! Today however he posts this... any takers. At first I thought it was a gem inside a diamond, how I have no idea. Now all I can see is the last chip in the bag but it was neat. You can also purchase his art which I am thinking of doing for my apartment next year. The issue is which one to choose?
Posse Does DMB

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