Firstly I would like to welcome to my blog! My roomie gave me the idea as I have ample time to do this at work (and yes ample is the understatement of the century)!
Today has been a pretty good Tuesday, as far as Tuesdays tend to go. Second Cup started my morning just right. You should know I have now made the full transition to becoming a SC drinker (over Starbucks that is). Some of you may have heard about my breakup with Starbs and for those of you who haven't, basically they lied to me and I won't stand for it. Anyhoo, Charlie has also informed me that SC is the creator of my 2 favorite drinks- London Fog and Vanilla Bean Latte so I mean how can I not love it ANNND they serve flavoured coffee.
I also got to go see a tonne of animals at the Shelter. I will post some picture of the kittenS I am going to bring home... I wish. The deal is- I let Char watch Vampire shows and I can have a cat... this clearly isn't happening. My true loves are obviously dogs but they can't live in an apartment that's just too mean. So I just visited some and cried.
FINALLY gLee is back and I am over the moon about it! Finn is hot but Puck could PIA. Thoughts? Finn or Puck or even Shu? I can't even begin to describe how much I love this show. If you don't watch it- START and if you do- I love you! Posting the necessary gLee docs today.
Posse dinner and a run tonight too so it's going to be a day for the books.
Welcome to GITM