Tuesday April 13th, 2010

Happy Tuesday!

Firstly I would like to welcome to my blog! My roomie gave me the idea as I have ample time to do this at work (and yes ample is the understatement of the century)!

Today has been a pretty good Tuesday, as far as Tuesdays tend to go. Second Cup started my morning just right. You should know I have now made the full transition to becoming a SC drinker (over Starbucks that is). Some of you may have heard about my breakup with Starbs and for those of you who haven't, basically they lied to me and I won't stand for it. Anyhoo, Charlie has also informed me that SC is the creator of my 2 favorite drinks- London Fog and Vanilla Bean Latte so I mean how can I not love it ANNND they serve flavoured coffee.

I also got to go see a tonne of animals at the Shelter. I will post some picture of the kittenS I am going to bring home... I wish. The deal is- I let Char watch Vampire shows and I can have a cat... this clearly isn't happening. My true loves are obviously dogs but they can't live in an apartment that's just too mean. So I just visited some and cried.

FINALLY gLee is back and I am over the moon about it! Finn is hot but Puck could PIA. Thoughts? Finn or Puck or even Shu? I can't even begin to describe how much I love this show. If you don't watch it- START and if you do- I love you! Posting the necessary gLee docs today.

Posse dinner and a run tonight too so it's going to be a day for the books.

Welcome to GITM


Guerrilla Marketing

This is for all of my Advertising and Marketing junkies out there! Kathryn brought my attention to this GREAT article! I have included a personal fav below. SOOO creative. I also LOVE the one of the child in the bottom of the shopping cart... sounds hilarious but it is very serious... seriously!

Dinner for Schmucks

This looks like it is going to be amazing!!! The whole mind control- loveeeee, already quoting it and I haven't even seen more than 2 minutes of the movie- epic (Click here to watch the LOLrific trailer)

I was dying laughing at the preview in the theater when I saw Date Night with the girls... which is also Fab! Tina Fey is amazing and she looks great! The movie is not believable, BUT I could relate because something like this could/ would definitely happen to me! With that said I would definitely have asked Marky Mark (aka the shirtless hotness) to borrow some runners.... how the hell did she make it through the whole movie in heels!?!?

The Water Man???

One of my favorite sites to frequent for a good LOL is Awkward Family Photos. People post family photos from the past that are HILARIOUS! Today I found this gem that depicts a happy family. Usually I agree with the titles of the photos, however this one should really be called "The Water Man" or "Milk man 2.0" instead they have called it "The Delivery" psh not impressed


Oh hai dis is da kitten dat I wantz! But Charlie won't have it... only in exchange for vampiness... which clearly isn't happening in this lifetime. The visit to Toronto Animal Services was good. So sad that there are so many animals that don't have homes. Learned that black cats are the least likely to be adopted but the most likely to make you look slimmer.... food for thought!

Has anyone ever looked at Lolcats? It's been a while, but here is the link to the site. It's hilarious!

gLee Promo

The gLee promo video is sooooo good! Click here to watch it! I love Sue Sylvester more than life itself! She is the funniest person on television and she is just sooo good at being mean! Again Puck and Finn-mmmmm and Rachel- she's amazing! So happy gLee is back in my life! Here is some Mark Sailing to brighten up your day!