Monday April 26th, 2010

Goooooood Morning,

Firstly, sorry for being MIA this past week. I couldn't bring myself to blog while I was on holiday. On the other hand- I have a ton to blog about today/ this week . Woooohooo

While I was home someone in my office switched out my keyboard. I'm not feeling this AT ALL. All the keys stick so this is taking me waaaaay longer. I am not happy and I am out for blood. Seeing as I have zero authority around here I am going to have to deal with this for this last week I am here. Bahhhh such a perfect start to a Monday haha- typical.

Home was great! Went shopping in the States on the weekend. It's amazing how much cheaper things are there. I love it! Got some "staples" for the wardrobe and a bunch of other stuff too! love love love.

Ran the 5 K!!! It took me 32 minutes- pretty turtley but my goal was under 35 sooo... I DID IT! Now on to 8K! Looking for a training schedule now, going to register for the race either today or tomorrow so I have some motivation to train. Got new shoes too so that's great!

Oh and my Gma (who is like my BFF and is just an amazing lady) is going in for hip surgery this week (Wednesday). Sooo if you believe pray, if you don't think about her please! I know she would really appreciate it! Ahhh gotta love her!

I am going to make up for my absence by a) starting early (check) and b) blogging allll day!

Happy Monday!

I Love Toronto

I moved here in the Fall and I adore this city! I love (almost) everything about it. I could live here forever! I love the buzz and I love love love all the fun stuff to do! Maddie showed me This site in the fall! It's the perfect guide for someone living in this wonderous citaaay. My favorites are the "best of", which is a list of the top places to go for a certain catgory i.e. "Top Breakfast Spots in TO". I love it! Whenever I am looking for something to do I hit it up for ideas! Check it out!


I gave the blog a little upgrade today! Notice a new header, a prettier background and FISH! Everyone that knows me, knows I want a pet. Charlie and I have been contemplating getting some fish so I thought I would test them out on here. The real animal I want is a Georgian Bay Sporting Dog... schewwww cuteeee! In a few years I will have a puppy... I promise! As for now... Charlie and maybe some fish will have to do!Oh my goodneshhhh schewww cuuuteee

Holy Cow... Phineas Gage 2.0

This 12 year old Australian boy got in a knife fight and this was the result! Holy cow... he is sooo lucky! It didn't even go into his skull or eye just went through the skin on the side of his head! Yuck but wow. Story here

Video of the Day: gLee vs Madonna

This is AMAZING! Think of how much work this took! Sue is FAB as M Doggie. I love love love this!

Kate Plus 8/ Twist of Kate

Although Kate Gosselin gives me the heebie jeebies I was really lovin' JK+8 before the whole messy divorce happened. This is why I am excited about the news that Kate and her babies are heading back to TV. Their new show is going to be called, the oh so creative new name "Kate Plus Eight". Are you kidding me!?! Couldn't they have come up with a better name? Like "Hater and her 8er..." well not that but something creative. I'm pumped to see the twins be sooo bitchy and Aiden just be soooo cute! Also Kate has another show on TLC going to be called "Twist of Kate"... better name, but too much Kate no? Read about it here and here


Ok I know this is SUPER late but hollllaaaay! Survivor was a crazy town episode! The whole episode was kind of blahhh you figured you knew what was going on... and then BAM! Pavarti (said like the cheese) pulls a move out of no where. I see this move as genius on one hand and retarded on the other. Genius as she got one of the heroes out when that was looking impossible, an retarded as she used BOTH of her idols... shes screwed if she gets in trouble again. Anyhoo - pretty unbelievable move! Will Jerry and Sandra feel like they owe P something and stick with her- I HOPE not... Sandra's gotta go with the Heroes- she's just got to!

Also JT, although I love him, deserved what happened. He got played because he played like a TOOL. 2 huge mistakes by the Heroes and ruthless play by the Villains got them here. Heroes 2 dumb mistakes (as sighted by Charlie, and as agreed upon by the entire world):
1. Candice throwing the immunity challenge- WTF sooo lazy
2. JT giving away the idol- idiot.

Hopefully shit hits the fan this week- can't waiiiit!

Book of the Week

I love books and reading and everything! ahhh! I was talking to the Ginger on the weekend and she was telling me about a book called "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". I picked it up in the states and started reading this today on the way to work... no I do not drive. I already love it and I'm only 20 pages in! Has anyone read it? I am so excited to read this! It's a movie too and I am a true believer in book before movie! Book report to follow in a few days?